The Producer’s Blog

Dispatches from the front lines of independent filmmaking


It was exactly one year ago that we wrapped up The Last Glimmer shoot, and now it’s finished. Many people have been asking me “where’s the film?” It’s true, it took a lot longer than I anticipated…

Persevering Through Post

Writing is therapeutic, directing is energizing, and producing is the kind of logistical challenge I really enjoy. But the ultimate goal is the image on the screen. The ideas are conceived in your head; they are materialized on set; what shows up on the screen is all that matters. Until then, it’s gazillions of data points on expensive hard drives…

Is it done yet?!

Many of you have asked, “when can we see the film?” The short answer is: not yet. If you have ever worked on a film, you know that a movie is made three times: first, on the page; second, on set; and third, on the cutting room floor…

Made in the Bay – “The Last Glimmer” Producer Tee

Graphic Designer Summer Quinn designed a “Made in the Bay” tee-shirt for The Last Glimmer team, and we’re giving them away as a thank you gift to our financial supporters. Show your support for Bay Area arts and make your donation via PayPal of $50 or more on our website. We’ll send you one!

Stitching it together

Yesterday was the best day of our crowdfunding campaign so far. Not because the dollar amount raised was so high, but rather because we added seven new supporters.